Website (Official SA Website. Our group does not speak for SA as a whole as each SA group is autonomous)
SA literature can be found in the SA online store. The core SA books are Sexaholics Anonymous, more commonly known as “The White Book” and Step into Action. The White Book can also be purchased in-person at the meeting, at the Pine Grove bookstore, or as an E-book via Amazon.
A bunch of great pamphlets can be downloaded for free. Some that we think deserve particular mention are “To the Newcomer” and “Why Working the Steps is Important”.
The ESSAY magazine is also free and provides stories and experiences from members of SA who have found a solution.
The historical and practical foundation of the SA program is found in Alcoholics Anonymous, or “The Big Book”, and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, both of which are freely available online in text or audio format.
Here is a list of all SA-approved literature.
Besides our group, there are some other SA groups in the State of Mississippi.
There are Zoom meetings, with an unofficial list of meetings held worldwide available here, as well as phone meetings, available on a smaller, official list available here.